
  1. 12/2 CANCELED: Let’s Talk with Fumi
  1. 12/2 Intro to Mindfulness
  1. 12/2 Barbershop
  1. 12/2 CANCELED: Dungeon’s and Therapy
  1. 12/3 Mind & Body: Support and empowerment for students with chronic health conditions
  1. 12/3 Intro to Mindfulness
  1. 12/3 Let’s Talk with Michelle
  1. 12/3 Let’s Talk with Ashley
  1. 12/3 Interpersonal Group for Graduate Students
  1. 12/3 UConn Sexpert Drop-In Hours
  1. 12/3 Interpersonal Group for Undergraduate Students
  1. 12/4 UConn Sexpert Drop-In Hours
  1. 12/4 Avery Point Pet Therapy
  1. 12/4 Intro to Mindfulness
  1. 12/4 Interpersonal Group for Graduate Students
  1. 12/4 Interpersonal Group for Undergraduate Students
  1. 12/5 Let’s Talk with Heather
  1. 12/5 Hartford Pet Therapy
  1. 12/5 Intro to Mindfulness
  1. 12/5 UConn Sexpert Drop-In Hours
  1. 12/5 BLOOM: Undergraduate Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
  1. 12/5 Growth Through Grief
  1. 12/6 UConn Sexpert Drop-In Hours
  1. 12/6 Maternal Health Group
  1. 12/6 Families with Addiction
  1. 12/6 All Recovery Meetings
  1. 12/6 Late Night Presents: Relaxation Night!
  1. 12/6 Condom-a-thon with the UConn Sexperts
  1. 12/9 CANCELED: Let’s Talk with Fumi
  1. 12/10 Interpersonal Group for Graduate Students
  1. 12/10 CANCELED: UConn Sexpert Drop-In Hours
  1. 12/10 Interpersonal Group for Undergraduate Students